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Some Excellent SOFII Movies....

Archive SOF2| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |More >
List of videos...
Jungle Sniper
2 DM Competition 2006
3 CMK DM Competition
4 Fragrain
5 Royal Rumble 06
Well worth watching......

Archive SOF2 Footage
Quote Slug "I know I've been playing this game for years but didn't think it was this long "


Equador Mountains

Ecuador Mountains by <<<ALIEN>>> is one of my favourite CTF maps. Very RMG feel to it with the classic 3 ways of attack. Centre, Left using a tunnel or right through the mountains. Highly recommended for CTF
Thanks to -[FC]- FUN ZONE for introducing me to this one.
  Download 4.33MB |

This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos.
ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move from every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this is a must have tool.
Download 6.24MB |
Custom Maps
Columbian Village by The Tech
Columbian Village by The Tech is a remake of a map from 2003 by Siffer. If you like Jordan the chances are you will like this. A very nice well illuminated map with plenty of alleyways for you to explore. Well worth the download.

Download 1.76MB | Rating
Deck 21 by sL@pNuT$
Deck21 is sL@pNuT$ second map. Inspired by Doom3. It looks more detailed and textured than most SOF2 maps and features new backlighting and shadowing techniques.

Download 9MB | Rating

more maps>

Playing SOF2 v1.00

Some time ago when re-installing SoF2 and before adding the gold patch to bring my 3 year old CD up to date, I noticed there were lots of servers still running version 1.00 I decided to do a duplicate SOF2 installation in a second folder on my PC, but running v1.00. I have to say its like another dimension with many hundreds of players never seen on the gold version. You can add v1.00 in about 4 minutes, why not give it a try:) There are more people playing RMG than on gold!!
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Playing SOF2 v1.03

Some months after SoF2 was launched a number of modifications were made to the original game which included bug fixes, new weapons, Punkbuster anti cheat software and additional maps. This update, called the Gold Patch changed your original game to v1.03. It was intended to replace to 1.00 version but if you make a copy of your original v1.00 files before applying the patch you can still play both versions.
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SOF2 Players A-Z¬

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[FAIR] Punisher 
Location Paris, France
Born La Rochelle, France
Occupation anything but games :P
Connection Type ADSL 512
Favourite Map Pra 2, Air 1, Hos 2
Favourite Server [FAIR] ; [DJ] ; FA ; gameservers
Favourite Weapon Ak 74, M 590, knife ( when stoned :P )
Hard to beat player OMFG too many :(
Comment FrogS AnD InternationnaL RabbitS RuLeZZZ
Father Dougal 
Location Glasgow,Scotland
Born 22 March 1972
Occupation IT Support
Connection Type 512kb
Favourite Map Hells bells, high wire 2, shop2, shop, jordan
Favourite Server FFF, German sniper place, any with good ping
Favourite Weapon shotgun, sniper, ak47, mp-5
Hard to beat player Father ted, {ID}malakai, valhalla guys
Comment I hope sof3 will be as good as this game!
Location Malbork , Poland
Born 30 October 1974
Occupation Engineer
Connection Type ISDN 128k
Favourite Map KAM5, HK2
Favourite Server Sylaba, Tenbit, FB
Favourite Weapon AK47
Comment More HeadShots!!! o yee
Location Wiltshire , UK
Born 13 February 1988
Connection Type 56k
Favourite Map finca is a good map
Favourite Server clan server, most
Favourite Weapon MP5
Hard to beat player who knows man
Comment bucking bronco

Location Netherlands
Born 09 October 1984
Occupation Student
Connection Type ADSL 512
Favourite Map jor1?
Favourite Server gameserver fury
Favourite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player All them aimbotting frenchies in FurY
Comment  <")))><
FlatLiner Player Of The Week - 06 September 2003
Location Utrecht, The Netherlands
Born 1972
Occupation Medical Doctor
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map RMG Desert / Snowy
Favourite Weapon M4 / AK47
Hard to beat player most of you out there
Location Netherlands
Born 1977
Occupation IT Support/Gamejunkie
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map all of em
Favourite Server
Favourite Weapon AK47
Hard to beat player way too many
<=}FoC{=>Bone Collector
Location Groningen, the Netherlands
Born 22 October 1980
Occupation student
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Jordan market
Favourite Server extreme dm (
Favourite Weapon AK and shottie
Hard to beat player dot / <=}FoC{=>O-dog
Comment I love this game
FoC'Duc Player Of The Week - 12 Feb 2005
Location Belgium
Born 27 March 1977
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Jordan
Favourite Server gs5
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player MrBruce
Comment Rock the place
Location ENGLAND
Born 1965
Occupation Plasterer
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Server gameservers
Favourite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player DOW h8 think I hit him once
Comment muhahahahahaha

Location Groningen
Born 10 April 1986
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Server sof2(5)dm
Favourite Weapon Ak47

<=}FoC{=>Mr Gwob Player Of The Week - 18 September 2005
Location Groningen
Born 4 October 1981
Occupation ambtenaar
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Server DM
Favourite Weapon shotgun
Hard to beat player to much....

<=}FoC{=> [O] - DoG
Location HgK The Netherlands
Born 16 February 1980
Occupation Student
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Col vil, Jor1
Favourite Server <=}FoC{=>server, Xtreme Deathmatch
Favourite Weapon Shotty nd AK74
Hard to beat player <=}FoC{=>Boner, Zilly, and the rest of the family
Comment <=}FoC{=> Rules!!!
Location Netherland
Born 6 September 1985
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Jor1
Favourite Server Gameservers
Favourite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player <=}FoC{=>Z!ldjian
Comment FoC is coming....Beware!!!!!
<=}FoC{=>Z!ldj!aN Winner of Player of the week -  Nov 26 2004
Location Groningen, the Netherlands
Born 6 September 1973
Occupation Hairdresser, musician (Drums & Bass)
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map Jor1, Kam 1&4, airport
Favourite Server Gameservers
Favourite Weapon AK74, shotty, blades, mp5 (in that order)
Hard to beat player There are too many good players, I respect them all
Location Butler, Pennslyvannia, USA
Born June 1984
Occupation Student and disgruntled Wal-Mart worker
Connection Type Cable
Favourite Map RMG Desert
Favourite Weapon Sniper Rifle
Hard to beat player Cheese
Comment There is no hiding from a sniper rifle...
Location Slough, United Kingdom
Born 18 October 1987
Occupation Girl Chaser
Connection Type MB ADSL from PlusNet
Favourite Map Jersey Winter Wonderland (Kam2)
Favourite Server Xectuion Server!
Favourite Weapon H & K MP5
Hard to beat player ANTHRAX when he has the M590
Forever Metal
Location France
Born 02 October 1985
Occupation SOF2 & Music
Connection Type ADSL 1024
Favourite Map jor1 , shop2 , hk2
Favourite Server all jolt, & bygame
Favourite Weapon ak47, m590, sniper
Comment Only the dead have seen the end of war
Location UK
Born 23 March 1970
Occupation Bitch and CB sup
Connection Type 512 ADSL
Favourite Map Shop2 CTF/Finca INF
Favourite Server Any without osp
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player ViBE
Comment shaddup whingin and play!!
|fr34ks| DragonFire
Location Kotka, Finland
Born 23 March 1981
Occupation Network Student in Kymenlaakso Polytechnic
Connection Type ADSL 1024 / 512
Favourite Map hk2 pra2 kam2
Favourite Server SWE Norrköping TDM and fr34ks server
Favourite Weapon AK74
Hard to beat player All the others in fr34ks ofcourse :)
Pissed all the time ffs :) "vittu"
Frank Spencer Winner of Player of the week -  May 1st 2003
Location Essex, UK
Born 1960 (gulp)
Occupation Boat Builder
Connection Type Blueyonder broadband
Favourite Map Essex Pubs
Favourite Server My wife
Favourite Weapon Frying pan or spud gun
Hard to beat player All of yer buggers
Comment Addicted to online multiplayer games, I gotta get out more !!
Location  Virginia USA
Occupation Sof2 Player
Connection Type Fiber
Favourite Map Pharaohs Revenge
Favourite Server FredZiffle Custom Server
Favourite Weapon MP5
Comment Long live SOF2
Location ITALY
Born December 1965
Occupation Software Developer, Systems Integrator
Connection Type ADSL - 4Mb
Favourite Map Raven Office, High Wire
Favourite Server KILL KILL KILL, <<UK> Sniper
Favourite Weapon MM1, RPG, MSG90
Comment W SOF2
Location Belgique
Born 2 December 1987
Occupation Etudiant
Connection Type 512k
Favourite Map jor
Favourite Server  ICI SA DEFOURAILLE
Favourite Weapon AK
Hard to beat player héhé turbu
Location: Minnesota, USA
Born: 8/26/1967
Occupation: Disabled, operator of [FU] Clan server
Connection Type: Cable - 20Mb/s min
Favorite Map: there are too many to choose just one
Favorite Server: [FU]Fragoholics United
Favorite Weapon: Sig
Hard to beat player: Easykill
Comment: SoF2 is more than a game, it's a way of live. :)
Location FRANCE
Born 2 July 1973
Occupation games on net !!! sof2
Connection Type 1024 ADSL
Favourite Map shop2 !! air 1
Favourite Server  all good games
Favourite Weapon ak47 ! sig551
Comment  que le jeu l'emporte
Location France
Born 31 August 1976
Occupation chat on msn !!!!!!
Connection Type adsl 2048
Favourite Map shopping
Favourite Server starshoot
Favourite Weapon my voice
Comment careful to your ass !!! when armed !!
Location U.S.A
Born 5 November 1972
Occupation KILLING
Connection Type cable 100mbs
Favourite Map dont really have one
Favourite Server KILL KILL KILL
Favourite Weapon Any one that kills the person
Hard to beat player there's a lot of good players out there
Comment Human Beings are a disease a cancer of this planet, and we are the cure!!!!
Fumb Ducker Winner of Player of the week -  May 7th 2003
Location Brixton London
Born April 4 1950
Occupation not working
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map Desert RMG
Favourite Weapon M4
Hard to beat player Eric Draven
Comment What's Happening?
Location South Central Los Angeles
Born 17 May 1974
Occupation N/A
Connection Type DSL
Favourite Map Jordan/Hong Kong Street/Shop2
Favourite Server FX~Bada Bing/TBC/EQ/DDK/DrumGods
Favourite Weapon Ak/Shot Gun
Hard to beat player Myself
Comment U Better Fear The Xtreme This Crip Bring...So Dont Trip On Crip
FX~Ninja Kitty Winner of Player of the week -  July 17th 2004
Location Manchester, UK
Born Yes!
Occupation General wasteral & wandering hobo (smells a bit too)
Connection Type ADSL
Favourite Map Jordan/HK Streets/Fraggers
Favourite Server All FX (have to keep the faith lol) &
Favourite Weapon Shotgun/M60
Hard to beat player Yrmy, Xape, 50 Bellies, Kingrich, LQ Hypertension
Comment The shotgun blast only stings for a second
www is a '50_BELLIES' website © 2025