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Some Excellent SOFII Movies....

Archive SOF2| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |More >
List of videos...
Jungle Sniper
2 DM Competition 2006
3 CMK DM Competition
4 Fragrain
5 Royal Rumble 06
Well worth watching......

Archive SOF2 Footage
Quote Slug "I know I've been playing this game for years but didn't think it was this long "


Equador Mountains

Ecuador Mountains by <<<ALIEN>>> is one of my favourite CTF maps. Very RMG feel to it with the classic 3 ways of attack. Centre, Left using a tunnel or right through the mountains. Highly recommended for CTF
Thanks to -[FC]- FUN ZONE for introducing me to this one.
  Download 4.33MB |

This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos.
ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move from every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this is a must have tool.
Download 6.24MB |
Custom Maps
Columbian Village by The Tech
Columbian Village by The Tech is a remake of a map from 2003 by Siffer. If you like Jordan the chances are you will like this. A very nice well illuminated map with plenty of alleyways for you to explore. Well worth the download.

Download 1.76MB | Rating
Deck 21 by sL@pNuT$
Deck21 is sL@pNuT$ second map. Inspired by Doom3. It looks more detailed and textured than most SOF2 maps and features new backlighting and shadowing techniques.

Download 9MB | Rating

more maps>

Playing SOF2 v1.00

Some time ago when re-installing SoF2 and before adding the gold patch to bring my 3 year old CD up to date, I noticed there were lots of servers still running version 1.00 I decided to do a duplicate SOF2 installation in a second folder on my PC, but running v1.00. I have to say its like another dimension with many hundreds of players never seen on the gold version. You can add v1.00 in about 4 minutes, why not give it a try:) There are more people playing RMG than on gold!!
Read More>

Playing SOF2 v1.03

Some months after SoF2 was launched a number of modifications were made to the original game which included bug fixes, new weapons, Punkbuster anti cheat software and additional maps. This update, called the Gold Patch changed your original game to v1.03. It was intended to replace to 1.00 version but if you make a copy of your original v1.00 files before applying the patch you can still play both versions.
Read More>

 Back to the Top

The M|)K mod is a client and server mod designed for SOF2 v1.03 (Gold Edition).
It is designed to bring new life into Soldier of Fortune 2 by providing modern and unique features into the game.
This mod provides features such as a player and admin interface, user avatars, high-speed downloads, support for 3 team games, an anti-cheat system and more.
The mod is in constant development and community feedback and requests are welcomed.......... As the mod is updated to latest version it is better to visit MDK for latest news.

Visit their website for downloads and guide at...
Goldrush 2.2 (Full Version For SOFII v1.03)
Goldrush 2.2 mod by GODh. Features include.. realistic speed, wounded players are slower than healthy players, extra gore, 15 new gametypes, 17 great new maps, 2 new RMG terrains, plus much, much more. Make sure your com_hunkMegs setting is set to 128 as a minimum! Search for com_hunkMegs in your goldrush/sof2mp.cfg file
It is best to do it also in your base/mp/sof2mp.cfg

Download | More Details | Rating
Goldrush 2.2 (Full Version For SOFII v1.03)
Goldrush 2.2 mod by GODh. Features include.. realistic speed, wounded players are slower than healthy players, extra gore, 15 new gametypes, 17 great new maps, 2 new RMG terrains, plus much, much more. Make sure your com_hunkMegs setting is set to 128 as a minimum! Search for com_hunkMegs in your goldrush/sof2mp.cfg file
It is best to do it also in your base/mp/sof2mp.cfg

Download | More Details | Rating
ICCS Mod For SOFII v1.03
The International Crime Syndicate (I.C.S.) mod v2 adds new weapons, maps and sounds. ICS 2.0 boasts a brand new admin system for referees, featuring a ton of new commands to make setting up matches easy. ICS expands SOF II with contemporary urban settings like Banks, Casinos & Art Galleries.

Download | Rating
OSP for servers running v1.03 Gold Edition
OSP is a server mod used by many SOF2 v1.03 (Gold Edition) servers.
In most cases you will need to download the same version of OSP the server
is using in order to play on that server.
Downloads for Players
OSP 0.3k Client Download
OSP 0.3k Client Download
OSP 1.0L   Client  Download
OSP 1.1   Clientside Download
Extract and copy all files to your OSP folder

Downloads for Server Admins
These files are needed to run an OSP Server
OSP 0.3K Serverside Download
OSP 1.0L  Serverside Download
OSP 1.1    Serverside                       Download


RoCMod for servers running v1.03 Gold Edition
ROCmod is an admin mod for SOF2 v1.03 (Gold Edition) with many additional features and options for both server admins and players. It is not a weapon mod, and should not be mistaken as one. ROCmod does not modify the weapons and damage properties of weapons within SOF2. In order to play on servers running RocMod you will need to download the same version as the server is running.
Here are the 4 versions currently in use.
Downloads for Players
RoCMod 2.1a Download
RoCMod 2.1b Download
RoCMod 2.0c Download
RoCMod 2.1c Download

You must create a folder called rocmod within your sof2 directory
extract the zip file rocmod 2.1a b or c into the folder you created...

If you already have a version of Rocmod you will have a Rocmod folder so extract all additional versions to that folder.

Downloads for Server Admins
These files are needed to run RoCMod Server
RocMod 2.1a Serverside Download

You can find lots of useful information on RocMod by visiting

RPM Mod for servers running SOFII v1.00
RPM is an admin mod used v1.00 servers (NOT v1.03/Gold)
Although having the mod installed on your PC is not essential, you will gain access to new features such as 'end of game medals' and 'custom sounds' if you have the same version of RPM on your computer as the one the server you are playing on is using. Other features include...

* Feature rich Admin commands *
* Easy customization of damage & ammo *
RPMPro 1.31a Download
RPMPro 2.00 Download
RPMPro 3.31 (Recommended) Download
RPMPro 4.00 (nice but bugs affect RMG maps) Download*
RPM 7001 (Newest version of RPM) Download
Older versions of the RPM Mod.....
RPM 0.5c Download
RPM 0.6c Download
RPM 0.7 Download

*RPMPro 4.00 is a self extracting .exe file. Just click it to install

Many 'Single Player' maps can be played 'Multiplayer' on servers
running SOFII v1.00 RPM Pro 3.31. and RPM Pro 4.0 As these maps are intended for the single player game they may be buggy and feature only one spawn
point. However by using a modified .ent file multiple spawn points can be added making many of them very playable. Read More....


The most common version in use is currently RPMPro1.31a
just download and extract to your SOF2 v1.00 folder where it will create
a new folder named RPMpro containing the following files and folders..

If you want to run a server from your PC just create a desktop shortcut to
the last file RPM_Start _Server.bat and your server will start when clicked.
Using MS Notepad open the file RPM.cfg and edit the lines to name your server
along with many other features.

The files above are to be found in the sub folder named /files
If you are running a server you can edit edit the file 'mapcycle.txt'
to use the maps, gametype, time limits you want on your server.

For RPMPro Mod v1.30a & RPMPro Mod v1.22b Visit

Admin Mod for Servers Running SOFII v1.00
Another popular mod used on many servers is the Admin Mod.
This is a serverside mod that does not require the client / player do download the files.
Admin Mod Download
ReFrag2 - Demo Viewer By Infrequent
This is the long awaited release of the ultimate SOF2 Demo Viewer by Infrequent. ReFrag soon became an essential tool for SOF2 movie makers and you will see it in the credits of all the best SOF2 videos. ReFrag2 is the new improved version with even more features and a much improved user interface. ReFrag2 is not just a tool for movie makers though, it's also an excellent stand alone demo player that lets you analyse every players move form every angle.
Unfortunately ReFrag2 does not support v1.00 but if you play Sof2 Gold this a must have tool.

Download | Rating
Ultimate Server Mod (SoF2 V1.00 Only)
This great mod by OBC Vindictive replaces most of SOF2 sounds with those from HL2 along with increased gore, new weapon skins, loading screen and main menu. The sounds are terrific and add seem more excitement to the game. EXTRACT THE ZIP file to your "SoF2 v1.00/base/mp/" folder.
the file is named OBCservermod.pk3

Download | Website | Rating
EVO's Sound Mod Download
This is a nice mod that changes the sounds of some of the SOF2 weapons. The sound of bullets whizzing over your head are amazing. This mod will only work when playing on 'unpure' or those that also have the mod which is rare.
Gore Mod Download
Want More Blood and Guts in SOFII? Download  and unzip to your OSP folder for increased blood and guts. This gore mod works on RMG maps.
Atomic Game Launcher Download
The Atomic Game Launcher is a way of connecting to SOFII servers by clicking on a link on a website. Download  then run it to complete the installation.
Once installed clicking on a link will start up SOFII and connect the server. Atomic Game Launcher supports an extra "embedded URL" in the link and can also open a teamspeak server at the same time.
Rcon Unlimited Download 2.35 mb
Rcon Unlimited is a an invaluable utility for monitoring and controlling a remotely hosted server for which you have the rcon password. You can use it to look at players rates on v1.00 - something you can't do in game using the console.
Check Your SoFII Installation Download
There is a useful little utility called wiser2 that checks your SOF2 installation and reports if any files are missing or corrupt.
1. Download wiser2.exe (69kB)
2. Run the program
3. Point to the location of your PC's SOF2 folder
Wiser2 will scan your installation and report any missing or corrupt files.
SOFII MINIMISER Download | Rating
This really nice program allows you to safely minimize your SOFII game so you can view your desktop and access your other programs WITHOUT closing SOFII or leaving a game. Extract and install the small program. You can easily customise what keys 'hide' or 'restore' SOFII. TIP - Place minimizer v1.45 in your windows START-UP folder so that it is always running. This way you do not have to remember to run it before going on SOF2 and it is ALWAYS available.

Use of the above files is at your own risk

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